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From 1987 through 2018, I taught the history of American technology and business history (reconceptualized as the history of capitalism in later years). I also taught courses on digital history, which introduced some of our graduate students to digital tools for teaching and research. Here are my syllabi from my last few years of teaching.

Undergraduate courses

History 109, Topics in U.S. History: History of American Capitalism (Fall 2013)

History 329, History of American Capitalism (Spring 2015)—formerly History 247

History 600, Advanced Seminar in History: Globalization (Fall 2013)—capstone course for History majors

History 680/690, Senior Thesis Colloquium (Fall 2010)

Graduate Courses

History 701, History in Global Perspective (Fall 2017)—required course for incoming graduate students

History 710, Professional Development Seminar: Digital History (Spring 2018)

History 822, Studies in Economic History: History of American Capitalism (Spring 2014)

History 900, Intro to History for U.S. Historians (Fall 2012)—required for incoming grad students in U.S. history

Did you know?

Teaching resources available on the web include:

Teaching the Study of Capitalism, Program on the Study of Capitalism, Harvard University

Guide to Business History Courses Worldwide (pdf), Harvard Business School

Society for the History of Technology's Teaching Materials page